COVID-19 Practice Pulse


Powered by MTBC + CareCloud

Real insights from real U.S. physician practices. We keep a finger on the pulse to keep you informed and help you plan your next move – check back often for the latest insights.

In this edition of Practice Pulse, we surveyed physicians to find out how they are preparing for patient care after the pandemic. As day-to-day activities normalize and the public emerges from sheltering-in-place, what will practices do to ensure patient and staff safety and what tools will they implement to operate in the new post-COVID “normal?”

COVID-19 Outlook Survey Insights

We surveyed dozens of MTBC + CareCloud customers across the country to understand how they’re responding to the COVID-19 crisis. [1]

Practice Role

Practice Size

Describe your use of telehealth services prior, during, and after COVID-19

We asked physicians how often they used telehealth services before and during the pandemic – and to predict their usage after the crisis is over – to understand how the outbreak has driven telehealth adoption and if that adoption will stick.

Very few physicians reported frequent or occasional telehealth use prior to COVID-19, and as expected, usage rose exponentially during the outbreak. But will those who adopted telehealth services during COVID-19 continue to use them in a post-pandemic world? Survey says, mostly yes.

63% of practices intend to use telehealth either frequently, somewhat frequently, or occasionally, after the pandemic.

Telehealth Adoption At A Glance



of practices reported frequent to occasional telehealth use.
Source: COVID-19 Outlook Survey



of practices reported frequent to occasional telehealth use.
Source: COVID-19 Outlook Survey



of practices predict frequent to occasional Telehealth use in the future.
Source: COVID-19 Outlook Survey

When do you foresee your practice’s physical location re-opening?

In mid May, we asked physicians when they expect to re-open their offices. 43% never closed their physical practice, and 52% plan to re-open within the next six months. No practices in our survey reported permanent closure due to COVID-19; however, one practice did say that it will not re-open its physical location because it has converted to telehealth service only.

Source: COVID-19 Outlook Survey
*One respondent may be in danger of permanent closure

What measures have you taken (or are you planning on taking) in response to COVID-19?

Converted to full/partial Telemedicine based practice


Called patients to reschedule appointments to a later date


Restricted office to a limited # of patients at a time


COVID-19 screening during intake


COVID-19 screening prior to setting appointment


Reduced # of appointments in a day


Restricted office to a limited # of patients at a time


Reduced # of appointments in a day


What changes do you foresee implementing in your post-quarantine operations?

We asked physicians to identify which measures they intend to implement as part of their post-quarantine operations.

Over 60% of responding physicians identified “increased telehealth,” “added safety measures for staff,” and “increased facility sanitation,” as must-have implementations. More than 20% of practices will implement measures to reduce contact and limit waiting room congestion, including “contactless patient intake,” “staggered scheduling,” “limited in-person office visits,” and “removal of high-touch items.”


21% will implement contactless patient intake solutions
17% will implement additional sources of revenue
5% will not be implementing any changes

Added safety measures for staff


Increased facility sanitation


Increased telehealth availability


Limit number of in-person visits at a time/in a day


Making personal hygiene and sanitation products available throughout the practice


Staggered scheduling


Removal of high-touch items in waiting rooms


Mass communication tools for patients (email, SMS)


What has been your practice’s most significant takeaway from the COVID-19 crisis?

We allowed respondents to tell us, in their own words, what they learned from COVID-19. Here is a sampling of what they had to say:


Considering that none of our surveyed practices had to close permanently and that over half of participating physicians will re-open within six months, the resilience and adaptability of these practices should be celebrated. As lockdowns begin to ease and patients make their way back into physician offices, we expect to see a continued reliance on telehealth services. In fact, out of those surveyed, 63% plan to use telehealth post-quarantine, and 61% agree that the availability of telehealth is a must-have service for their patients.

Telehealth services and contactless intake solutions, as well as thoughtful scheduling and staffing, will play significant roles in the months to come. With more than half of surveyed practices planning to re-open within the next six months, physicians will be seeking the resources and equipment necessary to ensure operational efficiency and safe patient care.

Download the Full COVID-19 Outlook Survey Report

We surveyed dozens of practice leaders and physicians to understand the challenges medical practices are facing.

Download Report Now

MTBC + CareCloud COVID-19 Advisory Team

Shruti Patel
President, Telehealth

Daniel Masvidal
VP Client Success

Mike Cuesta
Chief Marketing Officer

We’re Here to Help

MTBC + CareCloud continue to deploy efforts and resources to assist medical practices as they adapt to the rapidly changing healthcare industry. We’re focused on supporting practices through a variety of insights, solutions & resources.

[1] Data from the CareCloud Practice Impact Survey, which collected data from over 230 practice leaders and physicians during the week of March 23, 2020.